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2019 - Peaks, Valleys & Everything in Between


Looking back at 2019, like any other year there were peaks, valleys and everything in between. Things year I trained, but struggled to put together the pieces in races. I walked away from finish lines feeling dissatisfied, even when my position was first. I bounced around from one race to another, and then to another, hoping to find to find satisfaction. I was looking for something, but I wasn't sure what it was. Not knowing what to do I changed things up a bit. I tried different routes, I ran at different times of the day and left my technology at home. Despite switching things up a bit but the one things that remained the same was my open invitation to my dog Twig #twigcancometoo. We certainly don't always agree on pace, on etiquette or when it is treat time, but when we both end up back to the trail head together safely all is forgotten.

In between exploring and summiting mountain I questioned my running, my abilities, and tried to figure out my "WHY". Along the way Twig helped me remember important components of running. Be playful, smile, stop and enjoy the views and to remember that there is always time to stop and cool off in a good stream.

Week after week Twig would "load up" into the car and we would head off. Somedays I felt more unease than others, but the more I followed Twig around the less weight I gave to my race results. It's always fun testing yourself against others, using competition to bring out your very best, but running for purely the passion of being in nature was a nice change of pace.

Throughout this year pace is something I found myself worrying less about. I placed more focus on feeling happy and enjoyed the ability to move through the mountains efficiently. While I am still trying to figure out what's next and how to continue to love running my mountain mutt has continued to grow in strength, stamina and courage. She continually makes the best of any situation we find ourselves in and has reminded me that a good snack helps raise spirits.

Yesterday on January 1, Twig and I went out and summited another mountain. She was full of energy and bombed the downhills using the deep snow to break her momentum. Lots of smiles, laughter and a nice way to start the year. With that said I cannot wait to see where we adventure together in 2020 and what lessons we learn.


Aliza Lapierre

Run Strong, Be Brave, Breathe 

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