The women who raced the Western States Endurance Run supported each other along the way.

As the exact details of my 2015 Western States Endurance Runmemories start to fade a resounding theme that emerged throughout this year’s race is still very clear in my mind. Mile after mile the camaraderie between the female participants became increasingly prevalent.
For me it all started as I tucked behind a group of four abreast on the climb up and out of Squaw. Three out of the four in the pack were females and there was no lack of conversation. Having not officially ever met Stephanie Howe, Kaci Lackteig, or Kerrie Wlad I became a bit of a wallflower, keeping pace just a few strides back. After we crested the top of the Escarpment, Stephanie, Kaci, and I strewed our arms across each other’s shoulders while looking back at the sunrise over Lake Tahoe. Before taking off down the single track into the vibrant scattered wild flowers, we wished each other well before each of us fell into our own rhythm.
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